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Tomorrow's cervical cancer treatment today.

Get ahead of standard treatments for cervical cancer. Participating in cervical cancer clinical trials gives you access to the latest therapies.

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      Find treatment options now

      A Patient Advocate will reach out to you in less than 24 hours.

      Your personal data is fully confidential and 100% secure

      Understanding Your Options for Treating Cervical Cancer

      Finding out that you have cervical cancer can be upsetting and frightening, but getting your treatment plan in place can help restore a sense of confidence and calm. Your doctor will discuss your treatment options, and the right one for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your age, overall health, and the results of certain tests. For example, your malignancy may have been detected through cervical cancer screening, but if imaging tests indicate that the disease has spread beyond the organ to other body parts, you may be a candidate for one of several relatively new medications.  

      cervical cancer
      cervical cancer

      One of those new forms of treatment is known as targeted therapy. These drugs block or disable specific proteins that cancer cells need to survive. Immunotherapies are the other new class of drugs for treating cervical cancer and other malignancies. There are several forms of immunotherapy, which work by boosting the body’s immune system, helping it to kill cancer cells. Other new drugs for cervical cancer are being developed in clinical trials.  


      What Are Clinical Trials?

      A clinical trial is a research study in which scientists evaluate the effectiveness and safety of new medical treatments. That includes new drugs or novel combinations of drugs for treating cancer and other diseases. Every drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had to be tested first in clinical trials.  

      Why Massive Bio?
      Our AI matching tool makes cancer treatment simple.

      We combine the power of technology with our dedicated team of medical providers to find you the best treatment options available.

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      How Massive Bio Helps Patients With Cervical Cancer

      Massive Bio offers a quick, easy, and FREE way to find cervical cancer clinical trials. With our unique clinical trial matching system and compassionate team, Massive Bio can rapidly match you to cervical cancer trials of new therapies. If you aren’t sure what form of cervical cancer you have, that’s okay. Additional testing can help determine your exact diagnosis. 

      Hear from our Co founder & CEO

      Selin Kurnaz on how she struggled to find the right treatment for her uncle and started Massive Bio to help others.

      There is a major gap between what pharmaceutical companies are working on right now vs. what cancer patients are getting. Massive Bio is revolutionizing this process.
      Selin Kurnaz, Co-Founder, CEO
      People's stories
      You are in good hands

      Talk to us. Our nurses and patient advocates are here and happy to help you. You are not alone in this fight.

      Call +1 844 627 7246
      Cancer Clinical Trials Patients Cancer Clinical Trials Patients

      What is a Cervical Cancer clinical trial?

      Clinical trials test the latest scientific advancements in Cervical Cancer treatment. Patients who choose to enroll in trials can receive cutting-edge treatment and high-quality care under the direction of scientists, doctors, and researchers. Cervical Cancer patients might gain access to promising drugs and innovative treatments long before they're made available to the public.

      Cancer Ribbon

      You are not alone

      You can have an experienced team with you

      About Massive Bio

      At Massive Bio, our goal is to ensure that all cancer patients have access to clinical trials of innovative new treatments that offer hope for improved outcomes. Our unique SYNERGY-AI technology rapidly generates a personalized clinical trial matching report, which is FREE to patients and doctors.